就好像电影我总是希望可以拥有一个”for sure/ for certain”的结局但这段关系不过就是“for another 40 mins”的挣扎看不见什么结局可这些挣扎究竟又有什么意义呢看着Cay侍战队真剑者动漫不断地想起我自己而我甚至还没有Cay的勇敢...从一开始我们就在告别从一开始我们就清楚我到底还在奢望什么呢
So much wit! Fun and enlightening! 金句频出啊S5E22 Amy’s wedding vow: Life is unpredictable, not everything’s in our control. But as long as you’re with the right people, you can handle anything. S6E04 Gina: Just because you wanna do something doesn’t mean you get to do it. Life is chaos, success is completely arbitrary, and confidence is everything.